Dream Deal


The performer displays four red backed cards, the Jack, Queen, King and Ace of Hearts. Then, all the cards turn face down, then, one at a time, the take turns turing back face up again! All the backs then change to blue, and then back to red again! As a killer kicker ending, all four faces of the cards change into the Ace of Hearts! This is a quadruple whammy they never see coming! Now watch the spectator’s change colors! This is one of the strongest effects you can do with a few cards, if you’re not playing with a full deck!

25 in stock

SKU: dre/dea/eff Category:

What you receive are Bicycle Playing Cards made by The US Playing Card Company. You will also receive an online performance and tutorial video.

Weight0.25 lbs
Dimensions4 × 6 × 0.25 in