$2 Tip Trick


The performer displays the front and back of a $2 bill. After folding it up into quarters, the magician unfolds the bill to show it has changed into two $1 bills! After showing the front and back of both of the $1 bills, the performer then folds up the bills, then unfolds them to show they have changed back into the $2 bill! The magician then displays the front and back of the $2 bill once again! Here’s a tip, perform this trick! You’ll probably get a real tip. This is an audience favorite!

23 in stock

SKU: tip/tri/eff Category:

What you receive is real US currency. The effect comes with two one dollar bills, and one two dollar bill. The bills are already prepared so the effect is ready to perform straight out of the package. You also receive an online performance and tutorial video link in the packaging.

Weight0.25 lbs
Dimensions4 × 6 × 0.25 in